Aids Epidemic Timeline Us. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) publish a Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. It is established to advocate for global action on the epidemic and to In cases where our information differs from other timelines (including's earlier versions) we add or update information only with the backing of.
The Black Death was a devastating global epidemic of bubonic plague that struck Europe and Asia in.
Since the average time from hiv infection to actual symptoms of aids is ten years, we may be seeing the infection rate from ten years ago.
The City and County of San Francisco, working closely with health professionals at UCSF, SFGH, the San Francisco The number of new AIDS cases diagnosed in the US declines for the first time in history of the epidemic. These stats show the true scale of the AIDS epidemic, and why world leaders. is helping to prevent the spread of HIV and improve sexual health by giving people trusted, up-to date information.