Affirmative Action Plan Template Massachusetts. A corrective action plan is a written document outlaying the plans and strategies to implement the changes and do modifications to the plan. Affirmative action programs, Affirmative action programs, Discrimination in employment, Sex discrimination in employment, Minorities.
Obtain positive results for your strategic recruitment actions through the preparation of an affirmative action plan.
The State Universities are committed to a policy of non-discrimination, equal opportunity, diversity and affirmative action.
An affirmative action plan (AAP) includes all the different procedures, practices, and policies which an organization implements to make sure that all the employees and applicants receive equal opportunities in terms of advancement, recruitment, selection, etc. Learn about affirmative action plan with free interactive flashcards. affirmative action plan. It is a very important step in an employment process since due to its specific actions in recruitment, hiring and promotions it.