Affidavit Of Bona Fide Marriage Example Pdf. AFFIDAVIT - I, full name of the person making affidavit, born on date o. I've looked around on the net for examples of affidavits of a bona fide marriage and can't find much.
Now is not the time to look for short cuts or skimp on the evidence.
Is it necessary or absolutely required to include third party affidavits when submitting your application for adjustment.
You can rest assured that you've submitted enough evidence of bona fide marriage to convince the adjudicator that your relationship is real. The petitioner should submit documents which establish that the marriage was entered Affidavits must be sworn to or affirmed by people who have personal knowledge of the marital relationship. Affidavit of Confirmation - Free download as Word Doc (.doc /.docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.