Aetna Funding Advantage Brochure. Generally speaking, the lower your premiums, or monthly payments. Fund dollars can even pay partial amounts of these costs.
If you don't use the whole fund in one year, no worries. While at Tranzact, I was tasked with creating the mobile website versions for Aetna MA and Aetna MP. Fund dollars can even pay partial amounts of these costs.
Aetna HealthFund® Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) Plan.
Aetna a diversified health care benefits company, provides individuals and many others with innovative benefits, products, and services.
Please refer to the state map in the Aetna Advantage Brochure. You don't have to pick a primary care physician (PCP). With the Aetna Advantage Dental PPO Max insurance plan, you can obtain services from either a participating or non-participating dentist.