Advance Directive Template Uk. States have specific forms these documents so health care professionals can easily recognize the document's purpose. Permission is granted to download a single copy of any portion of these texts.
Oregon Advance Directive (Medical POA & Living Will) allows an individual residing in Oregon to appoint a health care agent, provide specific treatment preferences directly to attending medical personnel, or both.
It goes by other names like 'advance directive,' 'healthcare directive.' Table of Contents.
SECTION A: ADVANCE MEDICAL DIRECTIVE TO MY PHYSICIAN AND HEALTH CARE TEAM, MY FAMILY, MY SOLICITOR AND ALL OTHER PERSONS CONCERNED: this declaration is made at a time when I am of sound mind and after careful consideration. You have the right to make decisions about the health care you get now and in the future. Can having an advance directive affect my life insurance, health insurance or the benefits I receive from a governmental benefits program?