Anti Bribery And Corruption Policy Template India. The Supreme Court of India has recognised the principle of corporate criminal. In the wake of numerous scams being unearthed in India over the past decade, enforcement agencies have also been proactive in terms of monitoring.

But in most cases, firms should have pol-icies and procedures which cover expected standards of behaviour; escalation pro-cesses; conflicts of interest; expenses.
Recognising the role of governments in the prevention of solicitation of bribes from individuals and enterprises in international business transactions; Recognising that achieving progress in this field requires not only efforts on a national level but also multilateral co-operation, monitoring and follow-up.of anti-bribery rules; on its part the Indian government needs to strengthen anti-corruption laws.
If we are found to have taken part in corruption, we could face an unlimited fine, be excluded from tendering for public contracts and face. The UK India Business Council's India guide on the challenges around bribery and corruption. "The commercial organisation seeks to ensure that bribery prevention policies and procedures are This could include for example, periodic reviews of implementation of anti-policies and procedures. This anti-bribery and corruption policy sets out ASC's policies to prevent acts of bribery and corruption.