Annual Audit Plan Example. A risk-based audit plan ensures that audit activities are effectively focused on those areas where risks or materiality of exposure is greatest. The template contains auditor information like name, address, and contact number.
Planning<br />During the planning portion of the audit, the auditor notifies the client of the audit, discusses the scope and objectives of the examination in a formal meeting with organization management, gathers. • Risk Based Audit Plan.
The Annual Audit Plan is distributed to numerous agencies at the start of the financial year and is also available on the RAA s webpage.
A good audit planning will help the auditor to minimize its risks, improve audit efficiency, and meet its objective at the minimum effort. The annual audit planning process includes the following major audit planning activities: • Defining the Audit Universe • Conducting a Risk Assessment • Preparing the Annual Strategic Examples include financial, performance, compliance, system security, and due diligence engagements. In preparing the plan, the Lead Auditor should review previous.